How do I prolong my prepaid subscription?

Prepaid subscriptions stop automatically and that is why it is important to renew them in time if you want to keep making use of the benefits that a paid subscription provides. You can prolong your FormFinch subscription at any time, you do not have to wait to renew until your current subscription (almost) expires.

You can renew your prepaid subscription by logging in and navigating to the account page. Here you will find the button “compare plans” in the License Information section of the page. When you press this button you will enter the logged-in status on the pricing page. Here you can look up your current subscription and renew it.

When you have prolonged your subscription you can find when the period of the extension exactly starts on the account page. You don't lose time for which you had already paid, if you renew earlier than necessary.

Will I be notified when my subscription is about to expire?

FormFinch will send you an email a few weeks before your subscription expires. It is of course very possible that it will end up in your spam folder, so we cannot guarantee that you will see it. We therefore advise you to keep track of when your subscription expires, or to opt for a recurring subscription to avoid forms being closed unintentionally.

If you log in regularly, FormFinch will also send you a message in the application and we will show a message on both the dashboard and the account page.